Researching the World of Wireless Communications

5G is poised to reshape the technological world, as we know it.  A new wave of applications is on the horizon; including Connected Health, Smart Transportation, new immersive media experiences, better data collection and analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT), a “smart “ connected world at the confluence of sensing technologies and machine learning. Just as important is the quest for low-power, low-cost circuitry and affordable phased-arrays for 5G applications. These cutting edge projects are the focus of our research here at the Center for Wireless Communications at UC San Diego.

Student Research

Current CWC Research Projects


Our research centers on developing a holistic approach to network intelligence, thus enabling THz through solving system level challenges.  We believe our discoveries will aid in uncovering the research questions that remain to be asked in the pursuit of 6G.



The research consists of the following five projects - High Efficiency Power Amplifiers and Transmitters for 5G and 6G Applications, Digital PLLs with Sub-100 fs jitter for Local Oscillator Frequency Synthesis, Powering and Communicating with the Internet-of-(Medical)-Things (IoMT), Low-Power mm-wave Circuits for Efficient Mobile Systems Beyond 5G and Directional Antennas using Phased-Arrays for 6G. The projects are separate but are related in that they will develop critical circuits for 5G and future-generation wireless applications. The projects are out-lined briefly in full overview of Circuits and Techniques for 5G Mobile Communications and Beyond.


Connected Health

The Connected Health program at UC San Diego seeks to enable radical changes in the delivery of health care, from today’s reactive care models to a next-generation of proactive, continuous and personalized care using innovations in wireless Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) including novel medical devices and applications, together with innovations in AR/VR, machine vision and artificial intelligence, edge/cloud computing and wireless IoMT communications.


Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

We envision the need for a novel and completely collaborative approach for safer, more efficient and eco-friendly commutes in addition to current day V2V propositions. Real-time streaming data from multiple participants - vehicles, pedestrians and smart street IoTs (like smart traffic lights and pedestrian crossings) - when aggregated, fused and analyzed can provide an accurate, complete and dynamic street situational awareness to all the street participants, leading to collaborative and personalized guidance and advanced warnings services. As part of this project we are developing algorithms to accurately fuse data from multiple sources as well as determine the state of mind and intent of drivers inside vehicles. To enable this collaborative platform, we are developing reliable mmWave V2X communications techniques and enhanced edge computing resource allocation algorithms. Underlying all of our research is a vehicular and roadway testbed that supports data collection and validation of the developed techniques both on the UCSD campus and deployed alongside our city partners in the future.


Wireless AR/VR

We are developing techniques to enable a truly portable and mobile VR/AR experience, with lightweight VR/AR glasses wirelessly connecting with edge/cloud computing devices that perform the rendering remotely. Our projects explore and develop techniques to enable three Degrees of Freedom (3DoF) and six Degrees of Freedom (6DoF) immersive experiences, with both natural videos and AR/VR applications, addressing both the ultra-high throughput and ultra-low latency requirements of such applications.

